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We are closed!

*update* we are currently working toward a May 1 opening with limited hours at BOTH locations, Brandon and Valrico. The schedule has been modified to reflect those hours and you may start booking now. 

In accordance with the Hillsborough Country "Safer-at-Home" order, we have closed our doors temporarily.

We cannot wait to see you all again, hopefully very soon!

Please stay well and sane in the meantime, and join us in praying for a quick and safe track back to normal, and for those most severely impacted, heath-wise and financially.  

Be sure to check our website and/or follow us on Facebook and Instagram for information on re-opening when it's safe, and some other product promos we'll be doing in the meantime.


As always, THANK YOU for choosing Mandalay Mist.

We sincerely appreciate you!


~Rachel, Payton, Denise and Allison

Book Your Appointment Now

Please note, our policy for booth appointments is that we do not hold the booth open
for the upcoming appointment, but if there is a wait, appointments have priority over walk-ins.
When you walk in at your appointment time, you are next!

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