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In-Salon SunnaSmile Teeth Whitening treatment (reg $99)


Custom Aurbrush tan (reg $40). Applied by one of our professional technicians, using a spa quality airbrush tanning solution with an extra boost of vitamins and antioxidents for that "just off the beach" glow. Each session begins with a pre-treatment to exfoliate and balance the pH of your skin.



Sunna Smile Natural Teeth-Whitening: Whiter teeth in just 15 minutes!

✔ LED-activated teeth-whitening system
✔ Safe on enamel
✔ Natural ingredients
✔ Causes little to no sensitivity
✔ Removes stains and plaque 

✔ Fights bacteria and gingivitis
✔ Registered natural health product
✔ Affordable

One SunnaSmile session is the equivalent in whitening power to 50 tubes of whitening toothpaste, 25 dental whitening syringes and 5 packages of strips!

In-Salon Teeth Whitening + Custom Airbrush Sunless Session

  • No refunds. Store credit only.

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